The horse portrait is painted lifelike with a photo reference
- With your favourite picture done by yourself or
- With your favourite picture done by photographer
Different styles of portraits and formats
- Illustration of the horse's head with or without a bridle / halter
- Full-body portrayal in posing position, in free motion or with rider
- Plain or landscaped background, also dream worlds such as desert, beach, water, or flower meadows can be implemented
- Collages of several horses or one single horse
- With a name tags or sayings
- Human portraits are possible with very good photo templates
High quality horse painting in acrylic
- Painted on canvas / stretcher frame with high quality acrylic colours
- Lifelike, very realistic and detailed portrayal
- The acrylic paintings are very long lasting in value and well protected from environmental factors, they are very modern, vivid , beautiful shining and powerful
- Acrylic paints in comparison to other techniques such as pastel and oil: pastels pictures are very common, but more sensitive and are therefore often glazed to avoid touching the
surface. Acrylic paints have the advantage to dry quickly and a painting may occur in a short time more flexible than comparatively with the visually very similar and expensive oil paintings
Lots of sizes to choose from
- Many different sizes and formats to choose from, from small (40x30cm) to very large (140x100cm) or custom size: For the overwhelming eye-catcher in the living room, office, bedroom or
the saloon
- Illustration in almost real life size gives a unique realistic impression of your darling!
A video that shows the process: From the photo shooting to the finished painting.
Click on the pictures to view it full size!